Resolution on the human rights of older persons at the 58th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC)

There is a critical resolution coming up at the next session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (58) next month. The resolution will propose a new process to advance the human rights of older person by establishing a Working Group which will focus on the content of a new Convention on the rights of older persons (often referred to as a new international legally binding instrument).


Attached please find a letter adopted from one drafted by the Global Alliance on the Rights of Older Persons (GAROP) which has been updated with Canadian information. We urge you to consider sending this letter ASAP to the Honourable Joanne Thompson, Minister for Seniors, with CC’s to Ministers Joly (Foreign Affairs) and Virani (Justice) whose email addresses are in the letter.


We also encourage you to share the letter with your Member of Parliament (MP) and have included a link to contact information for federal MPs.

Please note that while the letter is somewhat technical, it correctly reflects the UN process for creating a working group on older persons human rights.


Should you decide to send the letter we respectfully ask if you could cc Margaret Gillis at


Please feel free to share the letter widely.


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