What We Do

International Longevity Centres are leading edge policy shapers established to advocate for the needs and rights of older people in their respective countries.

Through research, policy development and training, ILCs aim to identify ways through which people can lead healthy, fulfilling and active lives.

We seek to ensure that older people have opportunities for social and civic engagement and to enlighten the public about the resources older persons possess and contribute to society. We are valuable resources for policy makers, governments, industry, academic institutions and other stakeholders on matters pertaining to healthy active aging.

The need for an International Longevity Centre in Canada is paramount. Canadian society is aging and the demographics are clear. There are currently more people in Canada over the age of 65 than under the age of 15. These demographic shifts have major implications for Canadian society both socially and economically, making advance planning critical. These realities could create a strain on resources unless older people have the ability to stay healthy, secure and engaged in society. 

While ILC Canada is concerned with a range of issues affecting all of the aging, we have a particular interest in the area of health and long-term care and we pay attention to groups at risk: low income older people, recent immigrants to Canada, Indigenous older people, socially isolated older people and older-age older people.

In conjunction with the ILC Global Alliance we will access the latest international evidence. As an internationally accredited policy organization that is aligned with the World Health Organization’s vision on active, healthy aging ILC Canada will work with academic institutions, the private sector, civil society and governments to inform and influence important decision making processes.